Thursday, March 6, 2014

100 Day Journey Day 1

Well lets start with a brief recap on my adult life:
I have had more ridiculous relationships than I care to talk about.  I have had more jobs than I can even count, mainly because I “didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life” so I just drifted until I finally came to a halt in August of 2011 at LA Fitness and rekindled my passion for kicking peoples rear ends into shape.  So after 2 years of working there and trying to start my own biz personal training and failing miserably I was finally fired for having clients outside of LA Fitness leaving me with no choice but to start my own business, which was a blessing because I needed the kick out the door and God’s way of telling me I can accomplish so much more (or at least that’s what I think he was telling me). 

Let me also qualify all of this by saying I never wanted for anything when I was growing up and discipline wasn’t a really big value for my parents.  My mom is just to sweet and is uncomfortable reprimanding and my dad well… I don’t have to many nice things to say about him because when he’s around I have to walk on eggshells and worry about him getting mad and irritated with me for no reason.  To say the least home life has always been tense and up until recently I always thought it was my fault because I had an “attitude problem” when I was a teenager. 

So in short having a lack of discipline I have never really been able to step up to the plate and hit a home run because when the going gets tough, I give up.  Well this is where the real Kristin Bogie needs to stand up and this is where I want to show all of you that you can do it too and what you have to do to make it your dreams come true!  Enough is enough and time to move onward and upward!!!  

My Biggest Dreams and Goals:
1.     Own a house
a.     This right now is number one for so many reasons…..  I’ll explain later
2.     Become a top IFBB Pro Figure Competitor
a.     As of right now I have only competed 3 times with pretty half assed attempts and I haven’t been on the stage in 3 years because I have gained almost 50 lbs (yes I said 50, rebounds are a bitch) and haven’t been able to take it off and keep it off.  This has been one of the biggest points of pain for me because I know I have the genetics to do it but don’t have the mental stamina to do it.
3.     Own a chain of gyms
a.     All I own right now is a business name, but hey you gotta start somewhere.
b.     Oh and Luke (my fiancé) and I have some plans in the works right now.  You’ll hear more about those later.
4.     Be a world renowned speaker traveling the world speaking about health and fitness
a.     I have only spoken in front of my undergrad and MBA classes for presentations.  I’m not sure how I am going to make this one happen
5.     Be the most disciplined person I know.
a.     Baby steps right?
6.     Pay for my kids college out right
a.     I have no school loans and want to pay that forward
7.     Have an awesome retirement
a.     I’m not sure doing what… Probably just being awesome.
Alright so I think I am going to do this whole journaling thing in a timeline format:

830p Get into a huge argument with my dad because he got rude with me for no reason… Again…. I’VE HAD IT WITH THE ATTITUDE and I fired back and then got myself officially kicked out of “his” house.  This is where my #1 goal comes in I knew it was only a matter of time before shit hit the fan.
*Which also means I have no place to cook my food and do the diet I had planned for myself. L
9p Got to Luke’s house…. Talked about it a little bit then tried to fall asleep because of my 330 wakeup time, 9p is LATE!!!

130a finally fell asleep
330a alarm goes off.  Yep not waking up and try to consider how much more I can sleep before I HAVE to get up to be at the gym for my 530a client…. 
456a: outta bed and to the gym to train
730a consider going to breakfast at Denny’s and getting a stack of pancakes to sooth my emotions.  Justifying that I am not prepared for today and I can just start tomorrow.
8a nap time…. Oh I mean meditation.  I can’t help it if I fall asleep
830a wake up and start on my to do list.  I DON’T FEEL LIKE DOING MARKETING!!!!  To be honest it scares me to put myself out there.  Inner dialog: “What if someone finds out that I’m not that good at what I do?!?!”
So I Facebook and blog instead…  Loop hole and avoidance!  I’m getting good at that.
1045 heading out the door to scout on some houses, I just hope we find one because I’ll be sleeping in my “meditation” chair until we do find one
1p back to home base. Found a house that could work.  Fingers Crossed
130p Had a protein shake and 2 cliff bars…. At least it wasn’t the Panera mac and cheese that I wanted to eat! 

145p More house hunting.  They are all starting to look the same!

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