Wednesday, November 13, 2013

5 Killer Workouts to Spice Things Up At the Gym

If you’re looking for a way to spice up your workouts with something new a creative try these out.  They are awesomely hard and you leave the gym feeling like a million bucks.

1.     3 weight lifting exercises 10x10 with 10 plyo jumps in between sets.
 I love giving this to my clients.  It offers a high intensity and still a lot of room to switch up the exercise to make a different workout each time

2.     20 x Centennials.
     This does not mean do sets until you get to 100 (like my bf seems to think it is).  This means 1 set of 100 straight reps.  Another favorite of mine to give clients its REALLY hard but REALLY rewarding

3.     300 Workouts x 3.  The 300 workout is 10 exercises for one set of 30, but for the extra twist do 3 sets.

4.     Sprint 25 plyo jumps 10 push-ups x 10.  This one kind of speaks for itself… Because you won’t be able to by the time you’re done with this one! 

5.     10 supersets 4x20 with a 2 minute sprint in between each superset.  Better clear your schedule for this one because you’re going to have to take a nap after this one.

Let me know how the workouts went for you!  I'd love to hear from you or feel free to email me at